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Aging Millennials unite! How to tell if you're OTG AF


Yes, I'm going full Buzzfeed today.

If you're on the outer edge of the "millennial" age bracket (as I am, at the deliciously ripe age of 34), then many of the following items will be easily recognizable to you and no one else a mere 5 years younger than you. BRING IT.

You totally played Frogger and OREGON TRAIL on this glorious machine.

You were only a cool tweenager if you were allowed to stay up late on Saturday nights to watch SNICK.

We gals all wanted to be her. Who is she you might ask? Then leave right now.

You were super cool if you owned either of these at some point.

Best way to listen to the Jurassic Park Soundtrack on the bus after school amiright?

Speaking of, you saw this in a movie theatre. In 1993.

You sipped all of these and survived.

You remember the FIRST Bush.

And Mango.

And this one was definitely your boyfriend.

You recall a time when The Daily Show was hosted by this douche. Who? Just go away. You don't belong here.

NOTHING was backlit in those days. It was a dark time.

You furiously scraped together the $19.99 to get one of these out of the display case at Target.

And you spent your days home sick watching GOD on TV.

Well, that was fun. If you don't "get" at least half of these, you probably watched Joe on Blue's Clues and ate yogurt out of a tube like a heathen. Go back to your Snapchat, Kardashian lover. You'll never understand the joy of working 10 years at a career before finally making the kind of money you thought you'd have right out of the gate. This is old crazy bird lady Caity signing out. Gotta go pay the mortgage and watch TCM now.

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